
Pavel Šimerda

I love open source, software development, education and writing. My job is to help software developers developing their skills and abilities and to help companies with specialized tasks. I am ready to help with linux distributions, tools, system services and programming languages down to the level of custom code modifications and relation with the upstream communities.

My primary focus is open source software development, consultancy and training. I'm interested in software development, testing and advanced debugging. I'm coding mostly in C and Python. My other interests are linux distribution build systems and infrastructure and network configuration software.

I have experience in software development, testing and debugging. I spoke at a number of open source conferences and I consider myself part of the wider open source development community and network configuration community in particular. I work primarily on Gentoo linux but I have experience with all sorts of binary linux distributions and some BSD.

I'm used to working with other people on the same level as well as leading, mentoring and training other people in various open source technologies including but not excluding C, Python, Git and kernel application and networking features.

I offer training and services in software development and partially also Linux system and network administration. Most of my customers order courses in English and some of them know me from international conferences in Europe. I also offer courses in Czech as an alternative.

I offer software development courses in Python and C and version control in Git. I specialize development for Linux operating systems focused on advanced debugging, bug analysis, system and network development and software packinging for Linux distributions.

I am active in various open source projects. I am inclined to Gentoo and Alpine Linux distributions. I gathered part of my experience during my work for Red Hat where I focused on network development projects featuring also IPv6 and DNSSEC but also during collaboration with various internet service providers that I supported with my knowledge of dynamic routing using OSPF and BGP.

Články profesionála

Nový Internet: Nebojte se IPv6 a IPsec - 30.9.2011

Pavel Šimerda je lektor a konzultant z oblasti Internetu, počítačových sítí a operačních systémů na bázi Linuxu. V tomto oboru se pohybuje od střední… celý článek

Jsem internetový nadšenec - 1.4.2011

Pavel Šimerda je lektor a konzultant z oblasti Internetu, počítačových sítí a operačních systémů na bázi Linuxu. V tomto oboru se pohybuje od střední… celý článek

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Zaměření profesionála

  • Počítačové a IT kurzy


  • IS/IT: Vývoj aplikací a systémů
  • Vzdělávání a školství